Connecting Accounts

Authenticate & connect accounts with integrated services.

Numerics allows you to connect your accounts with over 80 integrated services, enabling you to track your KPIs through separate widgets for each service. The process of connection varies depending on the service and the type of authentication they offer.

Adding Accounts

Before you can add widgets to your dashboards in Numerics, you need to connect your accounts with the services you want to track. Numerics supports multiple accounts with each service, enabling you to manage your personal and business KPIs separately.

API Key Type Services

Services like Active Campaign, Alpha Vantage, Amazon API Gateway, Ontraport and others require you to enter your API key to authenticate Numerics. Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the account adding screen for the specific service in Numerics.

  2. Enter your API key in the provided field.

  3. If required, provide any additional service-specific information.

  4. Follow any additional steps as guided by the service-specific help content and links.

Tip: If you need to copy the API key from the site on your desktop, consider using a clipboard tool to easily copy it to your iPhone or iPad.

Basic Authentication Services

For services that use basic authentication, such as Custom JSON with Basic Auth, you simply need to provide your username and password to authorize Numerics to access your KPIs.

Web-based Authentication Services

Services like Facebook, Google, Instagram, and others require you to authorize Numerics to access your account via a web-based login page.

  1. In Numerics, select the service you want to add.

  2. You'll be guided to the service's login page via an in-app browser.

  3. Enter your login credentials.

  4. Review the list of permissions Numerics requests, and authorize them.

Note: For Google Apps, Numerics integrates with multiple Google Apps including Spreadsheets, Analytics, YouTube, BigQuery, and Gmail. It requests permissions for all the Google Apps at once using the same Google account to avoid adding duplicate accounts. Numerics only retrieves data from these services when you add a widget for that specific Google app.


Q: I'm having trouble connecting my account. What should I do?
A: Double-check your login credentials or API key to ensure they're correct. If you're still having issues, reach out to our support team.

Q: I'm trying to connect to a service not listed in the app. What can I do?
A: Numerics allows custom integrations via its API. You can read all about custom data integrations in our documentation here.

Q: My data isn't updating in real time. Why?
A: Data update frequency might vary depending on the service. You can manually refresh your data by tapping on the refresh button of the widget in it’s zoom view.

Connecting your accounts with Numerics is the first step towards managing and tracking your KPIs in a unified manner. For any further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.