Spotlight Search

Search for any widget to see a quick preview of the number right in Spotlight.

Spotlight Search on iOS offers a fast and efficient way to view your Numerics widgets without even opening the app. By simply typing the title of the widget, you can get a quick preview of your key performance indicator (KPI) straight from your home screen.

Using Spotlight Search to View Metrics from Numerics

  1. Swipe down on your Home Screen

    From the middle of your home screen, swipe down to reveal the search bar. This is your gateway to Spotlight Search.

  2. Type in the widget name

    Enter the title of the Numerics widget you want to view. As you type, search results will begin to appear below the search bar.

  3. View the widget preview

    The Numerics widget you searched for will appear in the search results, displaying a quick preview of the number. You don't even need to open the app to get an update on your KPI.

  4. Open the widget in Numerics

    Tap on the widget preview to go straight to the widget zoom view in the Numerics app. This will provide you with a more detailed view of your KPI.


  • Why can't I find my widget in the search results?
    Make sure that you have entered the correct widget title.

  • Why is the widget preview not showing the latest data?
    Numerics widgets update at different frequencies depending on your settings and the data source. If you believe the data should have updated, try opening the widget in Numerics to trigger a manual refresh.

  • How can I make my widgets easier to find with Spotlight Search?
    Consider using unique and descriptive names for your widgets. This will make them easier to find when using Spotlight Search.

Spotlight Search is a powerful tool that can save you time and help you keep an eye on your KPIs without even opening the Numerics app. Make the most of it and stay on top of your business metrics.

For more detailed instructions on how to use Numerics and its features, refer to the full Numerics User Guide.